Who are we?
First of all, thank you for taking a bit of time for reading these informations.
Instead of getting bored with the usual “Who we are”, I say “Who we are not”, so if you came here by mistake, I will take you the least time possible.
We are not suppliers of cheap replicas.
Surfing the internet you will find an infinite array of replicas sold for a few hundred euros and presented as if they were produced in Switzerland or made with original parts.
If you really think that you can take home a quality replica with a mechanical movement for $ 200 or that there are Swiss factories that make replicas with original pieces stolen wherever, this site is not for you.
We’ll probably meet on the next lap when you will get disappointed with this kind of reruns.
If, on the other hand, you are still here and you have not happened on our site by mistake, we can introduce ourselves!
InTimeWhatch is a work team made up of highly qualified staff in goldsmith, gemology and watchmaking.We treat the best versions on the market, selecting the best models from dozens of manufacturers scattered all over the world and constantly updating our catalog with the latest news.
Where do the pieces that make up our watches come from?
On the web, many replica shops claim that they are made in Switzerland, by some makeshift watchmaker. The most daring sellers even present their models as “assembled with original parts”, offering the possibility of adopting entirely original movements.
The truth is that there is no factory in Switzerland, furthermore it would not be possible (and economically sustainable) to assemble replicas with original pieces.
The best watch manufacturers are based in Asia (Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangdong).
… so the watches are “Chinese”?
The prejudice is legitimate because normally those who intend to produce a replica try to reduce production costs as much as possible, to ensure a low price for the consumer, since he thinks that those who buy a non-original product are not willing to spend much on quality.
With regard to the luxury watch market, this assumption is wrong nowadays: in recent years there has been an exponential increase in the market for quality replicas. Many people are willing to pay even a few thousand euros for very high quality replicas and, the best copiers in the world (precisely the Chinese) have adapted to the trend, offering products that, for quality and precision, are really difficult to distinguish from the original models.
So what do we sell?
We sell watches of excellent workmanship, with precise, reliable automatic movements and with a charge capacity of between 28 and 40 hours.
Not all replicas are the same or have the same level of quality, for this reason all the photos on our site are original and represent the version of our model. You will always be able to see the movement mounted on and, comparing it with the original, understand the degree of similarity.
If you are not very experienced, to distinguish the quality of the models, you can orient yourself with the price or by reading the titles and descriptions that accompany different versions of the same model.
We are also the only ones who accept the return of the product within 14 days of receiving it because we are sure of the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers.
For any information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will reply within 24 hours.
InTime Watch